Exercise in case of injury?


Exercise in case of injury?

For any athlete, an injury is a kind of a disaster ... It is for them a synonym for stagnation or even regression. However it is possible to limit the damage, provided, of course, to always stay attentive to the pain, the sensation that exists to inform you to slow down or to provide damage to greater extent.

The first way to counter an injury is to work in isometrics. For a joint injury, for example, you contract the muscle in a determined position that does not stress the injured joint and that still allows you to stimulate your muscles. Do not think that this is a useless swipe, isometric contraction is a hard and challenging exercise for the muscle. It can allow you to progress anyway.

If you have a muscle injury, it is not advisable to work an injured muscle, but to directly put ice on the injured area, to bandage and take anti-inflammatories orally. Nevertheless, if you have a right arm injury, nothing prevents you from working left. Some are afraid to create a dissymmetry and end up with a larger arm or leg on one side. Do not be afraid, after some training, the difference will quickly fade. Studies have shown that work on one side has an impact on development on the opposite side. Just as the work of the lower body had an impact on the top and vice versa. So, if you are unable to work one side of your body, if you stop completely, not only will your injured side decrease in strength and volume, but the healthy side will also lose. While training, even one-sided, will prevent you from losing on one side but also keep your motivation intact and your goals in focus.

Another possibility is electrical stimulation. It will allow you to work a muscle whose joint cannot move. In case of serious muscle injury, it can allow a faster rehabilitation and recovery. If you want to buy this type of device, go for a high end if you want to feel the effect.

In conclusion, do not be discouraged if you injure yourself, take this as a new possibility to work the muscles that you sometimes neglect such as calves, forearms ... in short to allow you a change and not stop your progression. But do not stop! Adapt! Tell yourself there are athletes who miss a body part and do not take this as an excuse not to train!

Posted in: Advice, Training, Health

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